Chain of Responsibility

What is chain of responsibility (cor)?

All parties in the road transport supply chain have specific obligations under the law to prevent a breach. It is called the 'Chain of Responsibility' (CoR) and it requires every responsible person in the supply chain to take positive steps to prevent mass, load restraint, dimension, and fatigue and speed offences.

WesTrac may be held legally accountable if we do not meet our CoR obligations. CoR legislation recognises the effects of the actions, inactions and demands of off-road parties in the transport chain.

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How does WesTrac manage CoR risk?

One of our core SPARC values is Safety. As such, WesTrac is focused on minimising our risks in the CoR. We have created a working group of people from across the business to achieve this goal.

This group has created simplified load restraint guides (which are currently available on request) and easy-to-reference mass/dimension data. In addition to this, the group is currently focused on CoR training within the business, to ensure everyone is familiar with CoR laws, the associated risks and what they can do to minimise those risks and keep everyone safe.

More Guides

If you'd like to request a CoR guide for your machine, get in touch with our team and let us know which machine you'd like a guide for.

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