
With over 75,000+ product lines of genuine Cat® parts stocked across our branch network, 24/7 online ordering of over 1.4 million Cat parts from Parts.Cat.Com, a dedicated Customer Service Centre and a large Parts Distribution Centre, WesTrac is able to offer you a cost-effective parts solution to keep your machines working around the clock, without costing you a fortune.

Buy Parts Now


Visit Parts.Cat.Com (PCC) to buy parts

Parts.Cat.Com (PCC)

Best for: Speed and simplicity. Frequent orders, bulk purchases, planned maintenance kits and ordering outside working hours.

Accessible anytime, anywhere, from any device. The easiest and fastest way to buy parts. Visit our PCC training page to learn how.


Call WesTrac to buy parts

1300 881 064

Best for: Emergency orders, parts troubleshooting and expert advice.

Speak to a Parts expert who can help identify the correct parts and point you in the right direction.


Have a consultation with one of our Parts experts

Custom Solution

Best for: More complex parts and service solutions, mobile service and hands-on support, specialist advice and on-site prognosis.

Suitable only for existing customers who are looking for a complete parts solution, i.e. a Cat IP connection or ongoing agreement.

visit & Collect

Collect your parts when it suits you

Visit Branch  OR Click & Collect

Best for: Most frequently needed parts that are needed immediately, emergency support, personal service and expert advice.

Speak to a Parts expert face-to-face and collect your parts in person or from one of our Click & Collect lockers.

FlexiParts™ & Mining Services

We supply used, rebuilt and 'as new' parts to the mining industry

FlexiParts™ & Mining Services is a WesTrac-owned business that offers flexible, reliable and cost-effective parts, component and attachment solutions to mining operations.

equipment management for small fleets

Cat Central

Cat Central is a mobile app designed to be a single source of maintenance and support information with abilities to search, find and purchase genuine Cat parts. Cat Central is an on-the-go experience that makes Cat assets easier to operate and maintain.

Your Parts Partner

Why choose WesTrac for parts?
  • All parts backed by Caterpillar or associated warranties
  • An automated goods-to-customer inventory system
  • Largest fleet of parts delivery trucks in Australia
  • Largest branch network in Australia
  • Parts support offered to all markets and industries
  • Large, dedicated and experienced parts team
  • A commitment to excellence in customer service
  • A wide range of Cat parts and Non-Cat parts
  • Huge part warehouses stocking over $420m inventory

let's do the work

Need parts support?

Send a message to our Parts Team and they'll be in touch to provide you with all the support you need when it comes to parts and shopping on Parts.Cat.Com.

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