Equipment Management
You’re constantly being pressured to DO MORE work in less time – all at a lower cost – just to stay competitive. You want to know “what’s going on” with your equipment. You want to ensure your assets are running at optimal levels with no downtime. We know this because we’ve been helping our customers overcome these challenges for years.
We’ve worked closely with Caterpillar to develop a range of digital equipment management solutions (EMSolutions) that address these issues to help you manage your assets effectively so you can boost productivity, increase up-time and reduce operating costs.
Knowing “what’s going on’ is not enough though – it’s what you do with the information that counts. In today’s digital age where technology is evolving at a rapid pace, being bombarded with too much information about your assets can be overwhelming, even for the most experienced Fleet Manager.
These are tough questions and every business is different, a cookie-cutter approach to equipment management won’t work.
With this in mind, we offer multiple services in 3 types of fully customisable EMSolutions to ensure there’s a solution that fits your business – so you’re only seeing information that’s important to your business, and actually using it to have an edge over your competition. As your solution provider, regardless of what level you choose, we’ve got your back.
You'll receive detailed reports that measure equipment health, utilisation and productivity against local benchmarks. You'll be able to monitor fault codes, run time, fuel burn, idle time, location and more.
With this level of service, you'll know where your equipment is and how it is operating, all with real-time data from Cat Product Link™ hardware feeding your VisionLink® customisable user interface.
You'll have direct access to an expert WesTrac Condition Monitoring Advisor who will deliver regular proactive maintenance recommendations to help you manage and maintain your fleet with maximum effectiveness.
With this level of service, we'll be keeping an eye on your machine data so you can focus on the job at hand. When one of our advisors sees something that needs your attention, we'll let you know immediately and advise on the appropriate actions to take.
You'll benefit from a dedicated and trusted business partner who is focused on managing your most valuable assets, around the clock. Our team will manage your entire fleet, so you can focus on other areas of your business.
With this level of service, you'll have complete peace of mind as our team takes care of all your maintenance and repair needs. We'll even go one step further and provide you with guarantees for things like uptime, cost-per-hour and availability.
Send a message to our Technology Team and they'll be in touch to provide any information you require about the various technologies we have available.