Minestar Detect
Mining equipment is large, and space is often tight, reducing visibility in critical areas. Incidents and accidents due to operator error or oversight can be dangerous and costly, but there is a solution to help boost awareness of what’s happening on your mine site.
Increase your operation’s vigilance with Cat Minestar Detect: a solution that helps you see more on the job. You want to keep your team safe - we offer technology that allows you to do this; technology that gives you line-of-sight to a safer and more efficient operation. Detect can be fitted to any machine, from any manufacturer, to give you a better view of what’s happening on your site.
Whether you need satellite capabilities to deliver proximity warnings and highlight avoidance zones, or fatigue or distraction detection, Detect has the technology to enhance machine safety on your site.
If your space is tight, or you have multiple trucks operating in the same area, collision avoidance systems are one of mining’s most crucial safety systems. Our object detection systems add an extra layer of operator visibility, allowing for visual and sensor checks to give your operator peace of mind.
No matter how alert your operator, there are blind spots that can lead to incidents and accidents. Cat Object Detection automatically detects and alerts operators to potential hazards in front, behind or near the machine.
With optimised radar and camera coverage and audible warnings, MineStar Detect offers configurable operations tailored to your site or fleet. You can control your costs by reducing accidents and limiting machine damage and lost time by preventing collisions between vehicles and objects.
No operation is immune to fatigue and distraction, particularly when tasks are repetitive. To give you peace of mind Cat Detect offers Fatigue and Distraction Management, a technology to help you build a culture that puts safety first.
Our in-cab cameras monitor facial expressions and provide alerts when drivers show signs of drowsiness. When combined with a Fatigue Management System that encourages healthy nutrition and quality sleep at home, you can fight fatigue with a multi-level approach.
We provide tailored safety services involving a combination of the technologies above, in addition to other services.
This could involve our team implementing a Cat Smartband wrist-worn fatigue program across your mine site. With such a program we could predict the hourly fatigue level of each operator in your mining operation before they become fatigue-impaired.
Send a message to our Technology Team and they'll be in touch to provide any information you require about the various technologies we have available.