Nominal Rated Payload (33.00R51 Tires)
139 t
153 ton (US)
Rated Gross Machine Weight (33.00R51 tires)
249476 kg
550000 lb
Nominal Rated Payload (36.00R51 Tires)
142 t
157 ton (US)
Rated Gross Machine Weight (36.00R51 tires)
255826 kg
564000 lb
Chassis Weight (33.00R51 Tires)
84731 kg
186799 lb
Chassis Weight (36.00R51 Tires)
87631 kg
193192 lb
Note (1)
Consult your tire manufacturer for maximum tire load
Consult your tire manufacturer for maximum tire load
Consult your tire manufacturer for maximum tire load
Consult your tire manufacturer for maximum tire load
Consult your tire manufacturer for maximum tire load
Consult your tire manufacturer for maximum tire load
Note (2)
Chassis weight with full fuel and fluids, standard & mandatory attachments, hoist, body mounting group, rims, and tires.
Chassis weight with full fuel and fluids, standard & mandatory attachments, hoist, body mounting group, rims, and tires.
Chassis weight with full fuel and fluids, standard and mandatory attachments, hoist, body mounting group, rims, and tires.
Chassis weight with full fuel and fluids, standard and mandatory attachments, hoist, body mounting group, rims, and tires.
Chassis weight with full fuel and fluids standard and mandatory attachments hoist body mounting group rims and tires.
Chassis weight with full fuel and fluids standard and mandatory attachments hoist body mounting group rims and tires.
Note (3)
Body weight varies depending on body selection and configuration.
Body weight varies depending on body selection and configuration.
Rated Gross Machine Weight