MineStar Command for Drilling
Cat® MineStar Command for Drilling ensures that every hole is accurately placed, drilled to the proper depth and angle, and able to stand up until blasting.
Cat® MineStar Command for drilling ensures that every hole is accurately placed, drilled to the proper depth and angle, and able to stand up until blasting. A range of capabilities lets site managers configure and automate the drilling system to their budgets and needs.
Semi-autonomous single row drilling automates the entire drilling cycle for one row, including autonomous tramming.
Autonomous pattern drilling automates drill cycles and tramming for the entire blast pattern and allows one operator to manage drill operations across the mine site from a remote operator station.
Mount Pleasant coal mine is a complex coal deposit located in New South Wales, Australia, owned by MACH Energy. Characterised by high quality coals, a low strip ratio and high-processing yield, Mount Pleasant contains some of the most attractive coal resources in the Hunter Valley.
A team of innovators from Caterpillar, WesTrac and Thiess find the site attractive for another reason: It’s an ideal proving ground for drilling autonomy. Leveraging Cat MineStar Command for drilling on a fleet of Cat MD6250 rotary drills, the three entities have found the greenfield site and its complex drilling conditions the perfect stage to explore autonomous operations. Working together, they are adding value to the Mount Pleasant operation while setting the stage for the sustainable mine of the future.
In this video below, Thiess and WesTrac representatives showcase autonomous drilling, discuss the breadth of Caterpillar’s other Command autonomous solutions, and share their enthusiasm about being on the leading edge of autonomous technology.
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