Cat GraderBit2 GB2 System for Motor Graders

The Ground Engaging Tool (GET) market for motor graders is very competitive. With so many options available to customers, I’ve found it can be an onerous purchase process with the risk of it being more expensive than necessary. For those with multiple machines working around the clock, appropriate GET is a price sensitive and important consumable that is often misunderstood. The consistent purchasing and changing of GET on graders are commonly accepted as a ‘necessary evil’, so we want to ensure you’re getting the most bang for your buck.
Traditional motor grader GETs are comprised of large and hardened steel cutting edges. In harsh applications, we’ve found these can wear down quickly and require replacement at regular intervals. Grader cutting edges can also be heavy, making them cumbersome to changeout and they can sometimes pose safety concerns to maintenance personnel.
Which is why Caterpillar® engineers have designed a revolutionary new product that has dramatically changed the GET game, the Cat GRADERBIT2™ (GB2). Cat GB2 bits are produced in varying sizes and styles that are suitable for a range of differing applications. Unlike traditional motor grader GET they are a series of individual bits connected to an adapter plate.
Cat GB2 bits are made of hardened tungsten carbide to maximise wear life and are adaptable to your grading conditions. There are eight different bit designs that can form a continuous edge or 10 serration patterns that allow pass-through of 60mm aggregate.
Cat GB2 bits are then attached to serviceable adapter boards on the cutting edge. Bit life is optimised at any cast angle thanks to angling plates that always keep the bits facing the direction of travel.
The GB2 system installs effortlessly without tools thanks to a pull-ring that inserts into the bit shaft and locks over the bit.
Browse the gallery below to see how easy it is to install GB2.
In a recent real-world trial, one of our WA mining customers came to us with an issue. The traditional GET they placed on their Cat 18 Motor Grader was wearing out at a rapid pace, causing extensive machine downtime and labour costs. We proposed a switch from their existing 35mm cutting edge to a Cat GB2 on their Cat 18 Motor Grader as a trial to calculate any noticeable difference. The trial scope captured wear life and labour savings to validate whether the Cat GB2 offered any further improvements over their existing GET.
Cat GB2 wide mining bits were rolled out at a hard surface mine site and immediately sufficient improvements were noted. Costs were reduced dramatically and GET changeout intervals were significantly lengthened. Additionally, GET changeouts could be conducted in the field, opposed to the machine needing to be transported to the workshop, which would have resulted in extended down time.
Safety improvements were noted during the trial, particularly at bit changeout. The retention system and pull-ring pin makes bit installation and removal easy, without the need for manual tools. This ultimately removes the risk of pinching or crushing that traditional GET replacement methods pose.
Background/Issue – Rapid wear of traditional motor grader GET with frequent changeouts requiring the machine to be transported to the workshop. Ultimately contributing to extended machine down time and high labour costs.
Solution – Convert one Cat 18 Motor Grader to a complete GB2 system.
Trial targets:
Current GET – Traditional Motor Grader Cutting Edge
GraderBit2 System benefits
If you’re interested in setting up a trial at your operation, please chat to your local WesTrac representative or contact us here.